Farmer City Genealogical & Historical Society
It’s time to pay 2023 membership dues. Please consider becoming a 2023 Farmer City Genealogical & Historical Society member. Membership dues for the Farmer City Genealogical & Historical Society are $15.00 per year. Membership includes 4 quarterly issues of The Mirror, a great source of information and photos from our past.
Please help us preserve our heritage and museum for future generations to enjoy by joining now.
Dues may be sent to FCG&H Society, 224 South Main Street, Farmer City, IL 61842 or are payable via PayPal on the left sidebar. Contact us via email at [email protected] or leaving a message at 309-928-7198.
About the Farmer City Genealogical & Historical Society
The purpose of the Society was to:
- promote genealogical and historical research,
- to stimulate an interest in the history of the Farmer City area,
- to seek, preserve, and make available all materials pertaining to incidents and events which took place in the aforementioned,
- to identify, mark, and preserve historical buildings and sites, and to inform the community of the value of and need for preserving family and local history for posterity.
Our Farmer City Museum hours are limited to the second and fourth Saturday of the month from 10 AM – 2 PM. But If you have research you would like to do at a different time, please contact us via email at [email protected] or leaving a message at 309-928-7198. We are extremely accommodating in setting up research appointments separate from museum hours.